Harry Styles from One Direction wants to fly in a hot air balloon

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Imagine One Direction going in one direction in a hot air balloon, over Brisbane’s hinterland. That would be amazing!....

Everyone knows that hot air balloons can’t be steered and just drift along in one direction, where ever the breeze takes you.

So everyone here was very excited to hear Harry and One Direction want to floating in a hot air balloon!

On Australian TV this month, One Direction were interviewed and asked, what they wanted to do if they had just one day.

“I’d love to go up in a hot air balloon,” said Harry Styles.

Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis all wanted to do different things but we wondered, if just maybe when One Direction tour Australia in 2013 if they really will take off in a hot air balloon!

Imagine One Direction going in one direction in a hot air balloon, over Brisbane’s hinterland. That would be amazing!

Here’s keeping our fingers crossed that in 2013 on the Tour of Australia, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis on their World Tour come floating up, up and away with Hot Air Balloon Brisbane!


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