Digital Photo Package worth $80

Digital Photo Package - included FREE with every Hot Air Ballooning booking!

Capture your hot air balloon ride in photos with our digital photo package, worth $80. Our remote-triggered cameras take amazing in-flight shots from a unique perspective. Photos are available for free download online.

Hot air ballooning is an amazing experience - and what better way to remember it than with photos? Our digital photo package captures your experience from start to finish, from pre-flight preparations to post-flight champagne toast.

Nicola review including photo package

High Resolution Images

Our remote-triggered professional-grade cameras with wide angle lenses are installed on the hot air balloon before take-off. As you soar through the air, the cameras will snap photos at regular intervals, providing a unique perspective of your hot air ballooning adventure.

Have your excitement captured after boarding the balloon basket, with the flame glowing and lighting up the background. Share the wonder of flying over a dawn landscape as your pilot triggers the in-flight camera. And don't forget to smile for a photo as you toast with champagne after landing!

Zachary review including photo package