Which areas of Cairns does Hot Air Balloon offer a door to door transfer?

We offer a pickup service included in your ticket from all hotels and accommodation between South Cairns to Palm Cove. Pickup times varies between seasons here in Australia, summer and winter, so check your balloon ticket for actual pickup time, specific to your hotel and date of your balloon ride.  We do not pick up from private addresses as we find often it is easy to get lost and delayed. The best place for locals to meet us is at Tjapukai (our last pickup) where you can leave your car and hop onto our bus to be taken to the launch location. Or you can self drive and can meet us at  Mareeba Heritage Centre in Mareeba.  After your flight we can drop you back to your accommodation or to your next tour at the Reef Terminal, Skyrail Caravonica Station, Kuranda village, Tjapukai.

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