Cairns Solar Eclipse is getting close...
Don't miss the Solar Eclipse in November 2012, what an amazing way to see it.. from a hot air balloon.
On Cairns total solar eclipse day take care
It’s getting closer, only a few months now and on November 14 2012 at 6.38am a total solar eclipse will happen in the Cairns region for just about two minutes.
This event last happened in Australia on 4 December back in 2002 when its path took it across South Australia near the coastal town of Ceduna, and it won't back for another 16 years after this year.
It is exceptionally rare that the path of an eclipse passes over such an accessible location(see ). So it's probably not too exaggerated a claim when this is described as a 'once in a lifetime' experience.
If you're planning to be one of the people that will be in Cairns or Port Douglas to view the Eclipse, the first question that you should be asking yourself is "Where am I going to view this event?"
And what could be more perfect than viewing from our hot air balloons. All passengers will be provided with equipment during flight, so they can enjoy all the sights and sounds of the total solar eclipse.
Remember that the total eclipse may only last just over two minutes during the darkness phase but the overall alignment and de-alignment of the solar bodies takes over 30 minutes.
So if you're one of the select few in position with a ticket on Hot Air Balloon Cairn's Total Solar Eclipse flight, you are assured that your photo opportunities will capture the moment and fulfil all your dreams and expectations.
After all when you return home and say "I was there" you'll need to produce your photographic evidence to 'wow' your family and friends and anyone else you can find !...
Yes, it will cost a few dollars extra but it really is the only way to guarantee you the experience of a lifetime that this unique event promises to be.