Cairns Solar Eclipse is getting close...
Don't miss the Solar Eclipse in November 2012, what an amazing way to see it.. from a hot air balloon. On Cairns total solar eclipse day take care It’s getting closer, only a…
Mangoes Season in Cairns from a Hot Air Balloon
Each year in November, the Cairns community wait for the official start of the harvest of local mangos. Mangoes in Australia mean summer, the feeling of sunshine and the…
Kuranda Scenic Rail- the perfect way to see the At…
When making a wish list of things to do on a Cairns holiday, near the top of the list is always a ride on Queensland Rail’s Kuranda Scenic Railway, something visitors to Cairns…
Chinese New Year 2014 in Cairns and the Great Barr…
Chinese New Year in Cairns, January 28 to February 15, 2014 is estimated to be the biggest celebration ever for Cairns locals as well as an expected 20,000 visitors from…
Cairns Solar Eclipse Returns 10 May 2013
It's back - not as strong this time but at 96% in Cairns still everyone is excited to see another tropical solar eclipse! This Cairns Eclipse Page from Hot Air Balloon Cairns is…
It's crane season on the Atherton Tablelands!
If you are a wildlife and nature lover, the Atherton Tablelands is the place to be! Crane Week is coming up and there will be a range of activities, including a photography…
Satisfaction is Hot Air ballooning
Have you considered a job in the hot air balloon industry?... If you are sitting at your desk, staring at your computer monitor while your eyes slowly dry out in the…
Atherton Tablelands looking their best
Our chosen location for ballooning from Cairns and Port Douglas is the beautiful Atherton Tablelands just 40km inland from the Coast but sometimes it can be like travelling to a…